Re: DocumentType.internalSubset

Fred L. Drake, Jr. writes:
 >   I'm looking at the DOM Level 2 recommendation, and am not sure just
 > what I should use for the internalSubset attribute of the DocumentType
 > interface.  Should the string include the brackets?  Should it be null
 > if there is no internal subset?

  It doesn't look like there was ever a response to this, so I'm
reporting on what I did.  What I'd like is a clarification in the
recommendation regarding the indended value for the
DocumentType.internalSubset attribute when there is an internal
  In my implementation, I set the attribute to be exactly the text
between the '[' and ']' characters that mark the internal subset --
this corresponds exactly to the portion of the doctypedecl production
given as:

			(markupdecl | DeclSep)*

  Do other implementations that support this attribute do it this way?
Was this the intended value?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 23:58:23 UTC