Re: xmlns attribute namespace

Garret Wilson wrote:
> John,
> <!-- 1 --> <section xmlns='urn:com:books-r-us'>
> <!-- 2 -->   <title>Book-Signing Event</title>
> <!-- 3 -->   <signing>
> <!-- 4 -->     <author title="Mr" name="Vikram Seth" />
> <!-- 5 -->     <book title="A Suitable Boy" price="$22.95" />
>              </signing>
>            </section>


here is an expanded form of your document with the explicit DOM Level 2
namespaceURI attributes using a modified pseudo syntax from [1]:

<!-- 1 --> <{"urn:com:books-r-us"}section
<!-- 2 -->  <{"urn:com:books-r-us"}title>Book-Signing Event</title>
<!-- 3 -->  <{"urn:com:books-r-us"}signing>
<!-- 4 -->   <{"urn:com:books-r-us"}author
                  {NULL}title="Mr" {NULL}name="Vikram Seth" />
<!-- 5 -->   <{"urn:com:books-r-us"}book
                  {NULL}title="A Suitable Boy" {NULL}price="$22.95" />



Received on Friday, 22 December 2000 05:11:04 UTC