RE: setAttribute

>We can consider fixing this in the future, however, most web authors
>probably want to use divEl.className until then since it has worked since
>IE4 and also works in Nav6.

That syntax should continue to work. That's the correct Javascript binding
for the "className" IDL attribute which is used to manipulate the "class"
HTML attribute.  Similarly,
should work in Java, since that's the corresponding binding.

     //this works in nav6 but not ie
_should_ work, since that's the correct syntax for accessing the "class"
HTML attribute via the setAttribute operation, and
     //this works in ie but not nav6
should set the "className" HTML attribute rather than "class"... in other
words, it should "work" but it does exactly what you told it to do, rather
than what you intended it to do.

I don't think there's any doubt about the DOM's intent in this regard.
There may be some fuzziness in the wording. Is a FAQ entry needed?

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Monday, 18 December 2000 08:57:16 UTC