RE: Creating xml document in DOM by passing a DTD.

What is your usage for XMetal. We use XMetal for doc editing, but in my
previous job we were creating the B2B exchange for the Bike industry which
was primarily data centric. I am still working with those guy's, but the
point was that we were using XMetal also. Do you use a repository of any
I agree with Mike, the HTML Forms are nice in XMetal, but are also very
script intensive for the outcome you get. If I understand correctly(don't
take my word on it) but I heard rumor that the XSLT either plug-in or build
for XMetal will support HTML forms and output via an XSLT processing engine.

Also, we are currently writing a script in house and attaching it to an XSLT
engine Macro in order to punch the button in XMetal and push it to a browser
via XSLT. Should be done in the next couple of weeks, I can send code if it
works well. It's not a perfect fix, but it's easily doable.
Scott H.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: Creating xml document in DOM by passing a DTD.

	-----Original Message----- 
From:   Joseph Kesselman [] 
Sent:   Monday, November 20, 2000 10:27 AM 
To:     '' 
Subject:        Re: Creating xml document in DOM by passing a DTD. 

	> I've also used XMetaL for wordprocessing-style markup editing.
> tried it with data-style markup. 

	XMetal 2.0 has a very nice feature that allows HTML forms to be used
to display and edit "data style markup" in a way that can be integrated
quite seamlessly with XMetaL's WYSIWYG capabilities on document-style
markup.   It takes a bit of script to configure (in this release anyway ...)
but the result is very useful.

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 12:42:16 UTC