Re: Creating xml document in DOM by passing a DTD.

What you're looking for seems to be a "DTD-directed editor". IBM posted
several approaches to this on their alphaWorks website
(, including tree-based editing (Xeena),
query-based document construction, and a tool that synthesized dummy
documents  for software testing purposes. I don't know which of these have
been updated to work with the current version of the XML4J/Xerces parser,
but that collection may be worth checking out.

I've also used XMetaL for wordprocessing-style markup editing. Haven't
tried it with data-style markup.

Unfortunately there are no standardized APIs for this purpose yet, which is
one reason we haven't seen more DTD-aware tools.  DOM Level 3 is expected
to address that.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 10:27:11 UTC