- From: KAZUMI Saito <ksaito@flab.fujitsu.co.jp>
- Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:19:22 +0900
- To: www-dom@w3.org
I have a question about the TreeWalker behavior. I created a DOM tree such as follwing. And I created a TreeWalker with the NodeFilter and specified whatToShow as SHOW_ELMWNT | SHOW_CDATA_SECTION. <doc> -- <eleA> -+- <eleB>(skipped by NodeFilter) -- {textC} | +- <eleD>(rejected by NodeFilter) -- <[CDATASectionE]> | +- <eleF>(accepted) | +- <eleG>(rejected by NodeFilter) -- <[CDATASectionH]> "<..>" means the Element node, "{..}" means the Text node, "<[..]>" means CDATASection node. After I set the TreeWalker.currentNode as <[CDATASectionH]> node, TreeWalker.previousSibling returns NULL in Xerces C 1.3.0 . I think the TreeWalker.previousSibling must return <eleF> node, because DOM L2 PR's TreeWalker Robustness says "The behavior is as if the Rejected node had only been Skipped" in the last paragraph. ----- KAZUMI Saito FUJITSU Laboratories Ltd.
Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2000 02:19:51 UTC