Tree traverse from rejected subtree.

I have a question about the TreeWalker behavior.

I created a DOM tree such as follwing.
And I created a TreeWalker with the NodeFilter and specified

<doc> -- <eleA> -+- <eleB>(skipped by NodeFilter)  --  {textC}
                 +- <eleD>(rejected by NodeFilter) --  <[CDATASectionE]>
                 +- <eleF>(accepted)
                 +- <eleG>(rejected by NodeFilter) --  <[CDATASectionH]>

  "<..>" means the Element node, "{..}" means the Text node, "<[..]>" means
  CDATASection node.

After I set the TreeWalker.currentNode as <[CDATASectionH]> node,
TreeWalker.previousSibling returns NULL in Xerces C 1.3.0 .

I think the TreeWalker.previousSibling must return <eleF> node,
because DOM L2 PR's TreeWalker Robustness says "The behavior is
as if the Rejected node had only been Skipped" in the last

 KAZUMI Saito  FUJITSU Laboratories Ltd.

Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2000 02:19:51 UTC