Re: event capture and bubbling

If Event.bubbles is false, only the Capture,  At-Target, and Default phases
of event distribution are performed. If true, bubbling distribution is
performed as well, between At-Target and Default.

Event _listeners_ are explicitly registered either as capturing (invoked
only during the Capture phase) or non-capturing (At-Target and Bubbling
phases). A single listener may be registered both ways, if desired.

At this time there is no independent ability to suppress the Capture or
At-Target phases. Default can be suppressed by invoking
Event.preventDefault, but I believe that has to be done from a handler
since it gets reset each time the event is dispatched. If you've got a use
case for making this more flexible, please submit it for consideration in
future revisions of DOM Events.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 13:02:26 UTC