Re: comment nodes

> >>      <!-- &#45;&#45;-->
> >...
> > It's well-formed; the only sequences that matter in a comment are "--"
> > (illegal) and "-->" (terminator).All other characters are so much junk.

For completeness:  A a comment with a nodeValue ending in the
character '-' is also well-formed (see XML Erratum 27).

> That's about what I expected. The problem is that the DOM has committed to
> showing people their "junk",  so we have to decide whether the content of
> that comment should be reported as " -- " or " &#45;&#45; "

The XML spec says that comments are not part of the document's
character data (§ 2.5), likewise prod. [15] does not refer to
'CharRef' (prod. [66]) when defining 'Comment'.  This seems to me to
be a strong indication, that the character sequence '&#45;&#45;' in a
comment is ontologically nothing else than a character sequence.

 Dieter Köhler, M. A. -
 Mittlere Kaulberg 22, D-96049 Bamberg, +49(0)951-5190726
 "": 1000+ Philosophie-Links
 "": Deutsche Philo-Links
 "": Open XML - XML-Komponenten für Delphi

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 17:45:59 UTC