Re: Difference in DOM's

On 1 Sep 2000, David Brownell wrote:

> What W3C DOM API produces a DOM tree given an input
> source document?  The closest I see to that is the
> HTMLDocument.{open,close,write,writeln}, and that
> clearly doesn't work for XML ... and of course, there
> would still be the bootstrapping problem of how to
> get one's hands on an HTMLDocument without relying
> on some other non-DOM (proprietary, ...) API.

OK, now I get the problem. You're right, the HTML DOM doesn't 
define *how* to get to the internal structure model that allows the 
HTML DOM API to act on it to create elements etc. However, it 
does define pretty clearly (at least, I think it does) *what* you 
should find once you get there. So, although it doesn't define the 
process, it does define the end result. 


Received on Friday, 1 September 2000 13:16:42 UTC