DOM scripting XML documents

hello, after being around this and other lists, reading specs and attending a
conference about XML developing in the last year and a half, once I really begin
developing I realize I'm still missing a very important point.
I want to be able to script onClick and similar events on an XML doc simply embedding
(how?) some javascript in it or by referring to a separate .js doc (how?).
After a few tries and no info I could find on the net a tremendous doubt came to me:
is it necessary to have an XML doc manually parsed and exposed to a script
interpreting engine like the CSIRO implementation of SVG [1] for example? Something
like parsing the doc and then passing it along to Rhino in your own application? No
no brainer way of doing this straight ahead on a XML supporting browser?

Thanks a lot for lightening my mental darkness,


Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2000 05:17:54 UTC