Re: namespaceURI parameter

I disagree.  I think the DOM spec explicitly rejects an empty string as being
equivalent to no namespace.  Setting a namespace attribute is not the same as
setting/getting a namespace URI on a node. wrote:

> >If the element or attribute one want to fetch has no
> >namespace, should the namespaceURI parameter be null or the empty
> >string?
> In the Namespace spec, there is no difference between the empty string and
> no namespace. ("The default namespace can be set to the empty string. This
> has the same effect, within the scope of the declaration, of
> there being no default namespace. ")
> In the DOM, we say the Node.namespaceURI field is "null if it is
> unspecified." As far as I can tell we don't, but probably should, say that
> specifying "" is equivalent to specifying null.
> Anyone disagree?
> ______________________________________
> Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Friday, 18 August 2000 14:56:05 UTC