Re: Fundamental Type: Object?

>Do DOMString and the other DOM interfaces implicitly inherit from an
> fundamental base type Object?

There is no such implication. IDL has been used as a notational convention.
While that IDL could theoretically be compiled and used as a DOM binding,
that is not the primary intent. In fact,there was a proposal in OMG to
develop a serious IDL binding for the DOM which would be similar to but NOT
identical to the "abstract" interface descriptions published in the spec...
in exactly the same way that any other language-specific binding is similar
to the formal description.

In particular: DOMString is explicitly intended to be a placeholder for
whatever UCS-16 string type is most appropriate for that particular
language binding.  Note that we never specify an interface for DOMString.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 14:50:31 UTC