Re: [www-dom] <none>

On 25 May 00, at 14:20, Also Sprach

Joe et al,

Back again :)

> >Now I want an executable that does #2. But because my 4gl can't
> >use foo foo :)) c++ routines I need to have the executable dump the
> >node list/tree into a text file, which I can then load into my
> >environment.
> AH! I see! You don't have a DOM parser available that works with your 4GL.
> So what you want is something that will parse the XML file, generate the
> DOM, and output the DOM in a custom format which is easier for your 4GL to
> parse into a DOM that you've implemented. That's a legitimate way of
> avoiding the details of XML parsing, I suppose...

I have gone for the IBM XML4C offering and have a c++ wallah 
knocking up some code, as we speak.

Is the XML4C constantly upgraded or is that on hold and a different 
version that is part of the Xerces project used instead? Or are they 
the one and the same?
> Or: If the intermediate form is text-based, you might be able to  write an
> XSLT stylesheet that performed this transformation. Converting an XML file
> into another representation (XML or other) is what XSLT is all about.

XSLT is something I may have to look into :(
Is this the forum to discuss it; especially as it will be vaguely linked 
to DOM questions?


The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
		-- Noelie Alito

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2000 15:08:11 UTC