DOM code works in IE5 not IE4


I've set up some HTML pages such that every top-level heading (<H1>) starts
printing at the top of a page -- the .CSS file defines <H1> with
"page-break-before: always". But, this throws a blank page before every
printout (since <H1> is almost always the first paragraph printed). So, I
introduced this Javascript, which uses DOM to strip away any leading blank
pages from an HTML page:

   function AdjustPageBreaks()          
      var TitleCollection = document.all.tags( "H1" );         
      if( document.body.innerText.indexOf(TitleCollection[0].innerText ) ==
0 )          
         TitleCollection[0].style.pageBreakBefore = "auto";          

This works fine in IE5 but not IE4. Can anyone tell me why or suggest
something that works in IE4 as well?


Received on Monday, 10 July 2000 23:46:34 UTC