Re: Antwort: DTD to DOM to XML

>1. the format (syntax) used for XML DTDs is not XML itself
>2. the DOM is an object view for XML instances

Slightly oversimplified. DTD syntax _is_ considered part of the XML
language syntax, though a distinct subset. However, DOM Level 2 and before
do not attempt to model DTDs.

DOM Level 3 expects to add a Content Model section to the spec which will
change this.

If you really want to use today's DOM to represent DTD information, your
best bet may be to transcode the DTD syntax into an equivalent expressed in
"instance document" syntax -- such as the W3C's XML Schema effort.
Unfortunately XML Schema is not a pure superset of DTD capabilities, so
this isn't entirely straightforward.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 08:29:15 UTC