Re: Missing Exception in MediaList interface

Blaine Brodie wrote:
> In the DOM 2 spec [07/03/2000] under Section 4.2 the MediumList's
> interface "append" method [now "appendMedium" I believe] takes in a
> DOMString and throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR exception, but should
> this method also throw a SYNTAX_ERR exception?

Not sure we should.
A syntax of a medium can be found in the CSS2 spec but this interface is
not supposed to be limited by CSS2.
We also have media in the HTML4 spec. The stylesheet PI uses
this definition. For them, this is "single media descriptor" but i
can't find a clear syntax except that they are comma separated. I don't
think we can rely on this definition.

So, without a clear common definition for the syntax of a medium, it's
difficult to raise an error. It also depends on the context.


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2000 14:40:17 UTC