RE: adding addressing capabilities to the DOM

> Also:
> Isn't:
> NodeList  getElementsByTagName(java.lang.String tagname);
> a degenerated form of :
> NodeList getNodes(scheme, expression, currentNode)

Similar...but getElementsByTagName only returns Element nodes by name where
XPath expressions are capable of returning all *core* node types, not just
element nodes. It really makes sense to have the API available on the Node
interface because relative expressions can be applied to all *core* node
types (element, attribute, text, comment, pi).

> Currently  getElementsByTagName resides in Document
> interface.

Yes, but it also exists in the Element interface (it's just in Document for
convenience). If this API is in the Node interface, it's available


Received on Sunday, 16 April 2000 02:49:28 UTC