Comments and error report on DOM1

Cc    Martin J. Duerst <>
>From  Yushi Komachi <>
      1999-08-10 JST
Subject  Comments and error report on DOM1

Here I inform you of some comments/errors of DOM1.

a) The "method" in DOM1 is described as "operation" in IDL. Those wordings
should be harmonized with each other.

b) 1.2 Fundamental Interface / Node Interface / Attribute firstChild 
The sentence "If there is no such node, this returns null." should be
"If there is no such node, this is null."

The similar changes should be carried out also in the Attributes lastChild,
previousSilbing, and nextSibling.

c) 1.2 Fundamental Interface / Node Interface / Method replaceChil
The sentence "Raised if this node is of a type that does not allow children
of the type of the newChild node, or it the node ..."
should be
"Raised if this node is of a type that does not allow children of the type
the newChild node, or if the node ..."

d) 2.2.1. Naming Conventions
In the description "All names are defined as one or more English words
concatenated together to form a single string. Properties and Methods",
"Properties and Methods" should be extracted as a title of the next para.

e) 2.2.1. Naming Conventions
In the description "In Java, properties are exposed with get and set
Non-HTML 4.0 interfaces and attributes",
"Non-HTML 4.0 interfaces and attributes" should be extracted as a title of
the next para.

f) 2.2. HTML Elements / HTMLTableElement Interface
The sentence "Returns the table's CAPTION, or void if none exists."
should be 
"Returns the table's CAPTION, or null if none exists."

g) 2.5.5 Object definitions / HTMLBlockquoteElement Interface
In the description "??? See the BLOCKQUOTE element definition in HTML
"???" should be removed.

h) Appendix B: Glossary / equivalence
The sentence "Two nodes are deeply equivalent if they are equivalent,
the child node lists are equivalent are equivalent as NodeList objects,
should be 
"Two nodes are deeply equivalent if they are equivalent,
the child node lists are equivalent as NodeList objects, ..."

i) Appendix B: Glossary / equivalence
The sentence "Two DocumentType nodes are equivalent if they are equivalent
as nodes, have the same names, and have equivalent entities and attributes
NamedNodeMap objects."
should be
"Two DocumentType nodes are equivalent if they are equivalent
as nodes, have the same names, and have equivalent entities and attributes
as NamedNodeMap objects."

j) Appendix B: Glossary / XML
The sentence "Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an extremely simple
dialect of
SGML which is completely described in this document."
should be
"Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an extremely simple dialect of
SGML which is completely described in the XML 1.0 specification."

k) Appendix E: ECMA Script Language Binding
The following NOTE should be added:
"Since the ECMAScript has no functionality to define objects, the language
is described by a natural language."

Yushi Komachi
2-3-8 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo  153-8687 Japan
Phone +81 3 5434 7053,  Fax +81 3 5445 3663
Email  <>

Received on Tuesday, 10 August 1999 11:08:46 UTC