- From: Bob Mueller <bob_mueller@compuware.com>
- Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 08:54:49 -0500
- To: www-dom@w3.org
After some investigation/experimentation with Java-based DOM parsers (openxml, ibm4jxml), I have questions about using DOM with ArborText Adept Publisher documents. I have experimented with different Java-based DOM parsers, and all of them with apparent problems dealing with the DOCTYPE declaration as specified in the document we are attempting to parse (the instance is created using the "SAVE AS XML" File menu selection in adept publisher, using a variant of the DOCBOOK DTD). The prolog of the instance is (more or less): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//sample//DTD (Based on DocBook DTD V3.0)//EN" "file://C:/dausr/sample.ptd" [ <!--ArborText, Inc., 1988-1999, v.4002--> <!ENTITY sample TIF SYSTEM "c:\sample.eps" NDATA eps> ... ]> <?Pub UDT _bookmark _target?> <?Pub Inc?> <book id="bk980001"> When the first DOCTYPE declaration line is parsed, things generally fall apart. Sometimes cryptic error messages are reported, such as: "MISSING ' or ", " or "whitespace expected"; or sometimes trapped messages are reported, such as: "Invalid XML document could not get root". Does anyone know of a resolution to this issue? Has anyone ever used any Java-based DOM parsers successfully with XML documents created with ArborText Adept Publisher using the DOCBOOK DTD? If so, how did YOU resolve this issue? If not, any suggestions? Regards, Bob Mueller Compuware
Received on Monday, 9 August 1999 09:50:50 UTC