DOM2: Stylesheet, MediaList and CSS


i've been going over the DOM2 specs and found an oddity under the stylesheets
section. i searched the mailing list and did not find this mentioned.  if my
observation has  been made previously, please point me towards the discussion.

(note. i just joined the list!)


MediaList has a property: cssText

StyleSheet has a property: media

i understand that both must belong to the style sheet dom and not the css dom;
yet the  MediaList property 'cssText' breaks the implementation independent
nature of the stylesheet dom.

it would make more sense to remove the 'cssText' property from MediaList;
instead put it in something like the following class under the css dom.

class CSSMediaList implements MediaList {

	public String             getCssText();
	public void               setCssText(String cssText)
                                            throws DOMException;



Kumanan Yogaratnam  <>
Espial Group Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 1999 10:56:59 UTC