ANNOUNCE: XQL processor in Java

GMD-IPSI is pleased to announce Java based implementations
of the XQL language and a persistent W3C-DOM.

The GMD-IPSI XQL engine [1] is a Java based storage and query
application for large XML documents. The functionality may
be accessed via command line invocation or the Java API.
The engine consists of two main parts:

1. A persistent implementation of the W3C-DOM
2. A full implementation of the XQL language

The XQL engine implements the W3C-QL '98 workshop paper syntax
of XQL. It uses a novel indexing algorithm for XML (publication
pending), which indexes the document while processing the
first query. Subsequent queries to the same document are
considerably accelerated.

The persistent DOM implements the W3C-DOM interfaces on
indexed, binary XML files. Documents are parsed once and
are stored in this form, accessible to DOM calls without
the overhead of parsing them first. A cache architecture
additionally increases performance. At this time only read
access is possible, support of the full W3C-DOM API is work
in progress.

The GMD-IPSI XQL engine was developed as a research project
in GMD's XML competence center by Gerald Huck [2], with
contributions by Ingo Macherius [3]. It is free for non-commercial
use and evaluation, see the download page for details.
For commercial requests contact the main author.


Ingo Macherius//Dolivostrasse 15//D-64293 Darmstadt//+49-6151-869-882
GMD-IPSI German National Research Center for Information Technology
Information!=Knowledge!=Wisdom!=Truth!=Beauty!=Love!=Music==BEST (Zappa)

Received on Monday, 29 March 1999 13:17:56 UTC