Re: "Empty" Text Nodes

David Brownell wrote:
> What the DOM spec call an application isn't what the XML spec calls
> an application (any software using an XML processor).  If one were
> to draw a picture using ASCII "art" (I know I'm stretching the term!)
> it might look like this:
>         XML term        Software        DOM Term
>                     +----------------+
>                     |    servlet     |
>                     |    script      |
>                     |    etc.        |  Application
>                     +----------------+  -----------
>                     |   DOM Impl &   |  Hosting Impl
>         Application | other platform |
>         ----------- +----------------+
>         Processor   |  "XML Parser"  |
>                     +----------------+

Thanks for clarifying this out.

Now I know which spec covers what and the confusion amounts: According
to the XML spec "A validating XML processor must also inform the
application which of these characters constitute white space appearing
in element content." That application would be the DOM implementation.

How would the XML processor tell that to the DOM, what will the DOM do
with this information (should it wait for normalize() to be called? by
whom?) and should the DOM implementation pass that knowledge further on
or keep it to itself (as it does with the xml:space attribute).


Note: All comments regarding XML and DOM specifications are for the
purpose of refining future versions of the specifications, suggesting
API changes and modifications where applicable, and helping formulate
better language and clearer definition, and does not constitute by
itself neither an attack nor an indication of inadequacy of the present

Received on Saturday, 6 March 1999 11:10:45 UTC