DOM2 and CSS

Reading the DOM level 2 working draft, I'm a bit surprised by what's
in there for CSS so far. 

- Whereas iterators finally made it into the core specs, they
apparently didn't make it into the CSS part. Is this intentional?
- Building a DOM core tree can be done without access to an XML
parser. Building a CSS stylesheet with the methods present in the
current working draft does however require a CSS parser to be
present. I have no idea how much of this has already been implemented
silently by the big two, but it seems a very ugly thing, IMHO. Why not
drop the generic `setProperty' and `insertRule' methods and replace
them with something more structured that does not require parsing
arbitrary CSS strings. Eg. have interfaces `CSSProperty' and derived
ones `CSSNumericalProperty', `CSSColorProperty' and so on, plus a
method `CSSStyleDeclaration::insertProperty(CSSProperty)'. Ditto for
selectors and the insertRule method.


Received on Monday, 31 May 1999 16:57:50 UTC