Re: DOM Level 2 Core Features

Miles Sabin <> writes:

> Steve (was it you?) has suggested that we might *also*
> (not instead) have more heavyweight iterators which
> *are* robust in the face of document modifications. I'm
> not sure this is a good idea, partly because defining
> their behaviour looks to be very difficult, and partly
> because support for them might have a negative impact on
> implementations even if they're never actually used (cp.
> NodeLists).

That was me.  I agree with you: I'd really prefer simple O(1) iterators with
no implementation impact and easily-documented conditions under which their
behavior is undefined.

The *also* was to mollify the crowd that wants to have robustness at any
price.  In my opinion this should be left as an implementation decision. 

 Stephen R. Savitzky   Chief Software Scientist, Ricoh Silicon Valley, Inc., 
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 voice: 650.496.5710   fax: 650.854.8740    URL:
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Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 12:48:59 UTC