Re: Error in DOM Level 1 Specification

>"since the Element interface inherits from Node <level-one-core.html>, the
>generic Node <level-one-core.html> interface method getAttributes may be
>used to retrieve the set of all attributes for an element"
>However, there is no getAttributes method, the attributes can be obtained
>from the node via the "attributes" attribute


From the "DOM Interfaces and DOM Implementations" section of the DOM
specification at

"Attributes defined in the IDL do not imply concrete objects which must have
specific data members - in the language bindings, they are translated to a
pair of get()/set() functions, not to a data member. (Read-only functions
have only a get() function in the language bindings)."


Don Park

Received on Saturday, 24 October 1998 20:12:53 UTC