RE: Relation between core DOM and HTML DOM

Arnaud Le Hors wrote,

> There is no such thing as "core DOM implementations". You 
> either have an XML DOM implementation (this is Core + XML
> extensions) or an HTML DOM implementation (this is Core +
> HTML), or possibly an implementation that does both.

Looking back over some of the earlier DOM drafts this makes
sense. In these earlier drafts there was a straightforward
distinction made between 'Core', 'XML extensions' and 'HTML
extensions'. In later drafts, however, and in the REC, the
Core and XML sections have been merged in a way which makes
the distinction far less clear. If nothing else this new 
layout suggests that an HTML document ISA XML document ...
which is wrong, obviously.

I think a few clarificatory paragraphs would be in order
for the benefit of those of us who haven't been on board
from the outset.



Miles Sabin                          Cromwell Media
Internet Systems Architect           5/6 Glenthorne Mews
+44 (0)181 410 2230                  London, W6 0LJ           England

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 1998 06:24:35 UTC