- From: Don Park <donpark@quake.net>
- Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 07:55:47 -0700
- To: "'DOM list'" <www-dom@w3.org>
Following attributes in the HTML layer will likely be made read-only: HTMLOptionElement.index HTMLCellElement.cellIndex HTMLRowElement.rowIndex HTMLRowElement.sectionRowIndex HTMLRowElemetn.cells It is not clear what their value should be when they are not in the relevant context (not in the tree or not inside appropriate ancestors). Docuverse DOM SDK uses -1 to represent the middle finger. <g> >5. Exactly which element types are returned by > HTMLFormElement.getElements()? All control > elements (eg. including <LABEL>, <FIELDSET> > etc. elements) or just the <INPUT>, <BUTTON>, > <TEXTAREA>, <ISINDEX> and <SELECT> elements. I forget where I got the list from but Docuverse DOM SDK returns: button, fieldset, input, isindex, label, legend, object, option, select, textarea. >6. According to the HTML 4.0 spec, some elements have > a case-insensitive name attribute, whereas others > have a case-sensitive name attribute. Should > HTMLDocument.getElementsByName() and > HTMLCollection.getNamedItem() respect this > distinction? It depends on the the collection. Frankly, I missed this bit of 'finesse' in the DOM SDK. >I've also got one query on REC. Unlike all the other >HTMLCollection attributes, HTMLTableRowElement.cells >is not readonly ... is this a typo? See above. Best, Don Park Docuverse
Received on Tuesday, 13 October 1998 11:05:26 UTC