Re: DOM Level 1 Becomes a W3C Recommendation wrote:
> Is there a summary of the differences between the PR and Recommendation
> versions of the spec? Or are they identical?

No the spec has evolved. Only to clarify or to fix bugs that were found.
I guess it is fair to ask for a summary of changes. Here it is:

* wstring changed to DOMString
* changed Attribute interface to Attr
* moved pi to extended interfaces
* even though this can't be formerly specified in IDL some attributes
are now defined to raise an exception on setting or getting. This
concerns, Node.dataValue, and
* added text about duplicate entities and notations being discarded
* added text about entities and notations not being editable in any way
* added INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR exception to createEntityReference
* added text about the Entity nodes being readonly and not having any
* changed ExceptionCode to unsigned short
* added text about HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR being raised by
Node.insertBefore/replaceChild/appendChild when the specified node is
one of this node's ancestors.
* added text about the Notation nodes being readonly and not having any
* HTMLDocument.getElementById() returns null and not void if no matching
elements exist.
* changed attributes HTMLSelectElement.options and
HTMLSelectElement.length to readonly.
* clarified description of attribute HTMLTaleElement.rows
* changed attribute  HTMLTableElement.tBodies to readonly
* TMLTableElement.tHead and TMLTableElement.tFoot return null and not
void if no such element exists.
* changed description of HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell() to make it
clear it inserts TD elements.
* changed attribute HTMLTableSectionElement.rows to readonly.
* added missing HTMLTextAreaElement.value attribute
* added a References section

I hope this helps.
Arnaud  Le Hors  -  W3C, DOM Activity Lead  -

Received on Thursday, 1 October 1998 12:53:56 UTC