Re: Should Document.cloneNode() work in Level 1? writes:

> So Document.createCopy() would become the "xeno-copy" routine we've
> discussed in the past, which copies a DOM node "by content" rather than
> cloning the actual object? Sounds like a good answer to me; [...]


> Normal cloneNode() would continue to be defined on Node itself.

> We'd still have to decide whether Document.cloneNode() should be
> reinterpreted as "Create a new document and createCopy() of the old
> document's contents" or simply be disabled.

I would think that Document.cloneNode should be reinterpreted as you
suggest -- having createCopy makes it very easy to describe the desired

 Stephen R. Savitzky   Chief Software Scientist, Ricoh Silicon Valley, Inc., 
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Received on Tuesday, 8 September 1998 19:59:04 UTC