Re: Should Document.cloneNode() work in Level 1?

"Don Park" <> writes:

> >A better alternative would be to put this on Document rather than Node:
> >
> >  Node cloneNode(Node original, boolean deep)
> All nice and dandy except for the weird look code:

On second thought, it should be called something different, like createCopy.
> Document doc = node.getOwnerDocument();
> doc.cloneNode(node, doc);

newDoc.createCopy(node, false); // for a shallow copy
newDoc.createCopy(node, true); // for a deep copy

> It just does not look as natural as:
> Node newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true, null); // for same doc
> Node newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true, someOtherDoc);

We should keep the existing Node method cloneNode, with no added document
parameter.  That way if you want to add a duplicate node to the same
document you use cloneNode; if you want to creat a copy in another document
you use createCopy. 

newParent.appendChild(newParent.getOwnerDocument().copyNode(oldNode, true));

(as opposed to:
 newParent.appendChild(oldNode.cloneNode(true, newParent.getOwnerDocument()));
 under the other proposal.)

My way looks more natural if you're doing a mixture of node copying and node
creation.  You get the owner document once and perform a series of create

Something like this is really essential if you're in a system (like the one
I'm building) which permits different DOM implementations for different

 Stephen R. Savitzky   Chief Software Scientist, Ricoh Silicon Valley, Inc., 
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Received on Tuesday, 8 September 1998 16:30:51 UTC