Re: Question about Entity and EntityReferance again.

>If any EntityReferences have copy of expanded entity, it is too expensive.
>If the EntityReferences which have same entity name refer only one expanded
>entity, then traversing tree to lower level than EntityReference and
>to upper level than EntityReference will not be compatible.

You are correct in both cases.  The spec talks about child lists of Entity
and EntityReference being same but it does not say what the children's
parents are suppose to be.

>I want to implement Entity and EntityReference as "Entity has expanded
>as its children and EntityReference dosen't have children only have entity
>Is this way illegal?

As far as I know, yes.  Navigation code must check for EntityReference node
type if it is assuming getParentNode to work correctly.


Received on Thursday, 20 August 1998 00:12:59 UTC