980818 BUGS still hanging around...


There are still a few bugs in the 980818 spec. that you forgot to fix:

1) wstring: Do NOT use this name! It is already a reserved IDL word.
DOM-spec even says so:

>Note: As of August 1998, the OMG IDL specification included a wstring type.
>However, that definition did not meet the interoperability criteria of the
>DOM API since it relied on encoding negotiation to decide the width of a

2) Attribute: Do NOT use this name as an interface! It is also a
reserved IDL-word.

3) Why do you still have NodeType as const unsigned short instead of an
   enum? You have ExceptionCode as enum...

ANOQ of the Sun / Johnny Andersen

E-Mail:   anoq@vip.cybercity.dk or anoq@berlin-consortium.org
Homepage: http://users.cybercity.dk/~ccc25861/

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 1998 21:53:22 UTC