Re: Anybody for a server-DOM spec -> transferring nodes and listener model.

>I guess either next/previousSibling or NodelList.item() can be efficient
>but usually not both. The best way to solve this would be to introduce
>iterators. I am advocating the deprecation of next/previousSibling
>only if they are replaced with iterators (and only for the "server-DOM").

Latest implementation of FreeDOM (yet-to-be released and renamed to
Docuverse DOM SDK) implements both item() and next/previousSibling() fairly
efficiently with performance difference about 10% in most case.  For
example, enumeration of 24000 elements took 200 milliseconds using item()
and 220 milliseconds using getNextSibling().

As far as DOM allowing sharing of nodes between implementations is
concerned, I think it is a bad solution to a worthy problem.  Have you
considered using well-formed external entities and/or XPointers?

Don Park

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 1998 18:40:18 UTC