DOM is ready for the first tests! :)


Finally! I have implemented these classes of the DOM spec. in C++:

Node, NodeIterator, Attribute, AttributeList, Text, Element
and some of Document.

Some of the classes lack a few methods, becuase they'll problably
be changed a lot in the next draft of the DOM-spec.

It can all be compiled and used both with and without CORBA!

It's in CVS:

Berlin/src/DOMcorba/ : IDL files and makefile for libDOMcorba,
                       which DOMimpl links to when using CORBA.

Berlin/src/DOMnocorba/ : Include files for building DOM without
                         CORBA. I have ripped off a lot of
                         omniORB's include files, but I guess
                         this is OK, when it's LGPL'ed. (Duncan?)

Berlin/src/DOMimpl/ : This is the actual implementation. There
                      is both a Makefile_corba and Makefile_nocorba.
                      Just copy the one you need to Makefile, and if
                      you use Makefile_nocorba, be sure to comment
                      out the first 3 lines in main() in
                      This will generate an executable file called
                      testText. There will be a libDOM later...

Note! Only the Text class is tested. If the rest doesn't work - please
tell me :) And also... ehhm... you can't free anything except wstrings
(which should be named domstrings soon I hope). I haven't got the
solution for freeing stuff yet.

Happy hacking...

ANOQ of the Sun / Johnny Andersen

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Received on Thursday, 16 July 1998 11:40:15 UTC