Compilation of IDL files...


I have tried to compile the IDL files. However just compiling
dom.idl won't work, since it only #includes core.idl, dtd.idl etc.
This means that no class skeletons are generated - only class

So I have been trying to compile Node.idl, NodeIterator.idl and
Text.idl, just to start somewhere, and I've got it working after
some fiddling with #includes and stuff.

Is this how it is intended to be done? If so I found a few
more syntax errors:

int: This type does not exist in IDL! It's either char,
short, long or long long.

Also in Text.idl:

attribute wstring   data;
void                append(in wstring data);
void                insert(in long offset,
                          in wstring data);
void                replace(in long offset,
                             in long count,
                          in wstring data);
omniidl2 complains because of the attribute called "data".

ANOQ of the Sun / Johnny Andersen

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Received on Saturday, 4 July 1998 12:38:48 UTC