Re: foundations: the term "text entity" [WD-xml-lang-970630]]

A response I sent to Paul Grosso, after he had responded to
Bert Bos who incorrectly thought that entities did not appear
in the DOM.

% >Regarding the untransformed, off-the-wire, document instance tree/dag
% >(which the DOM is calling the initial structure model), there are NO
% >declarations or replacement texts in the instance, just entity references.
% I'm not sure this is correct. In the DOM, entity refrences are 
% indicated by an EntityStart and EntityEnd pair, or at least were.
% The important things that the DOM must define are:
%   1) Some way of indicating that an entity was referenced
%   2) Some way of getting at the replacement text/NDATA
%   3) Some way of allowing entities to be lazily resolved.
% I will be reviewing the DOM draft today, and expect to have a 
% substantial number of suggestions based on the quick scan I did
% of it this morning.

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 1997 13:33:59 UTC