Re: "include-source" property of an ID or CLASS

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Stuart Harris wrote:

|However I can't get this to work or find explicit documentation on it.
|Can anyone help please? Yes I know this is simple if you use LAYER but I
|need something more general...

Since we are importing html structure into the document, I don't think CSS
would be the place for it as it concerns itself with presentation.  Though
I have been needing a client-side include mechanism.  Using <iframe> isn't
what I need because it creates a new instance of a window object and has a
whole new tree.  What I want is a container that imports a file on the
client side, but stays within that document's object structure.

<object type="text/html"> always seemed to me to be a good candidate to me
since it was a container already, and had a source (data="foo.html")
attribute already.  But in the browser that this works in (IE4) this
creates a new instance of a window just like <iframe>.
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Received on Monday, 28 July 1997 20:26:15 UTC