Re: nasty namespace issue (was RE: Is minimalism a goal?)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Pawson" <>
To: "Www-Dom-Xpath@W3. Org" <>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 2:59 PM
Subject: RE: nasty namespace issue (was RE: Is minimalism a goal?)

My personal feeling about this (and most development projects!) is to start
simple, release early and often, make SURE that the simple stuff works, then
tackle the harder stuff.

We *know* the dirt-simple MS API works (sorta); I think we should get just a
LITTLE more ambitious in the first iteration, then keep getting more and
more complex/conformant/powerful until we come to the point of diminishing

So, I'd pose the question:  "What's the next step beyond selectNodes() that
we can agree on as useful?  Is there some tweak for namespace awareness that
we can add ... or should we address the context issue first, the variable
binding issue first, or what?

Is anyone comfortable with this approach?


Received on Friday, 5 May 2000 15:56:38 UTC