Re: Updated "nightlies", now with HTML validation of all generated outputs

Triggered by Ian's message, I added JTidy validation to check that all 
generated HTML appears to be valid HTML.  I've also done spot checks of 
some of the generated documents with without 

There were a whole litany of little things that were tweaked.  The most 
obvious is that all the HTML producing XSL transforms now specify 
doctype-public, doctype-system and encoding and include a <meta> tag 
specifying the encoding.  The test matrix generation probably needed 
the most fixes.  There were a couple of LS tests that had example 
markup in the description that ended up looking like real-markup in the 
generated test and some of the LS tests that have markup in strings 
were serialized using "<"'s instead of &lt;'s.

I'll raise the issue of HTML compliance on the JSUnit mailing list to 
see if they can clean up some of the issues on the testRunner and 
supporting code.

Received on Saturday, 13 March 2004 03:48:56 UTC