Updated "nightlies", now with SVG browser tests

I've posted fresh copies of all the test suites at 
http://homepage.mac.com/curt.arnold/FileSharing1.html.  I've updated 
the documentations for the test suites and would appreciate any 
comments on the layout, packaging, documentation et al.

In addition over the last few days, I've been able to do a reasonable 
job of generating tests that run within an SVG browser.  In all the 
distributions, there is an svg directory that has an .svg and .js file 
for each test.  If you load the .svg file into a SVG browser that 
supports external entities (Batik Squiggle but not Adobe SVG viewer), a 
green box will be displayed if the test passed, yellow if it was not 
applicable or red if it failed.   This is in addition to the Batik 
support in the Java test suite and SVG plugin support in the ECMAScript 

Received on Friday, 12 March 2004 04:09:46 UTC