Re: Writing DOM Level 3 Load & Save tests

I was planning to build the DOM 3 schemas and DTD's tonight, but someone
called and invited me over for movie and pizza.  Hopefully tomorrow night
and maybe I get finally get some of my DOM Events tests ported.

Symbolic constants have so far just been represented by their assigned
integer value.  That is, the existing tests don't check if the nodeType for
an element is NODE_ELEMENT, they check that it is 1.

If possible, you'd like to preferentially use stock implementations of the
interfaces instead of using the anonymous inner class form.  For example, in
the xmlconf events tests, most of the test attach the stock "EventsMonitor"
class which captures all the events and allows you to make queries
afterwards.  Only tests that need to do things like call stopPropagation use
the anonymous inner class form.  Don't know what stock objects would be
useful for the DOM L3 L/S, but hopefully you could express most of the tests
using one or two stock implementations for each interface and only use the
anonymous inner classes for the oddball cases.

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2002 02:34:00 UTC