Re: Writing DOM Level 3 Load & Save tests

Hi Jeroen

Thanks for looking into writing tests.

As a first comment, I can only agree that we have a problem with the DOM 
TS ML for level 3 as the other ones (levels 1 & 2) are generated 
directly from the specifications. As Level 3 has not yet been released, 
this needs to be resolved.


On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 02:55 , Jeroen van Rotterdam wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently investigating the effort for converting our existing DOM
> Level 3 L&S tests to the framework.
> I'm only scratching the surface here, I has been a while since I've
> looked into the testsuite in detail, so forgive me if questions have be
> asked before.
> Issues:
> 1. The current frameworks relies on a load methods in the framework that
> loads a document. Based on that parsed documents tests are written.
> With Load and Save this is not very usefull because you need to test the
> load.
> 2. The schema for DOM L3 and the stylesheets to produce the tests aren't
> available as far as I can see, writing a first test is therefore pretty
> tough because there is no way you can get an DOMImplementationLS.
> 3. Testing serialization is difficult as well in the current framework
> because there are no tools to test the serialized form. Sure you could
> reparse it but that is not a good basis to test the serialized form
> since the document may/will change during parsing. Examples here are
> pretty-print, discard-default-content etc.
> 4. DOMInputSource, DOMEntityResolver, DOMBuilderFilter, DOMWriterFilter
> and DOMErrorHandler don't have a factory method. The test needs to
> provide an implementation that implements the interface. Any ideas on
> how to solve this in the framework.
> Jeroen
> =====
> X-Hive Corporation
> Jeroen van Rotterdam, CEO
> e-mail:
> phone: +31 10 7108600

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 09:00:38 UTC