Re: Using existing staff.xml based tests with HTML processors

2002-03-06 18:36:21, "Arnold, Curt" <> wrote:

>I was thinking that you could produce an close [X]HTML analogue of staff.xml
>by doing a direct translation of each element in staff to a distinct [X]HTML
>element with a similar content model.  
>Most of the elements simply contain PCDATA and have no attributes, so you
>could make <employeeId> to <code> and <salary> to <pre>, etc and could
>change <address domestic="">something</address> to <a href="">something</a>,
><employee> could go to <p>.  The only structural change that would be
>changing <staff> to <html><body>.

I believe it would be more useful to use constructs like <div class="employeeid"> and <a class="domestic" href=2xx">

Bjørn Vermo 

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 06:33:18 UTC