Re: Issues brought up in the DOM WG and general principles for the future

I'm also in favour of this and I'm glad a company representatvie holds 
the same views.

On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 04:39 , Ray Whitmer wrote:

> My  opinion is we should only  accept submitted tests in the XML DOMTS 
> format.  If there are binding-specific things, then this should be 
> accomodated using that format.  I do not feel  that the potential for 
> getting more tests in a particular language outweighs the advantage in 
> getting all of  them in a platform-neutral way.
> Were the current guidelines  not strict, the anticipated Netscape 
> contributions would not be language-neutral.  If the  tests were  not 
> language-neutral, and some tests were submitted that did not apply to 
> the platform I work on, my incentive to care about  the correctness of 
> the tests would diminish, which I believe would result in a lower 
> quality.
> On the other hand, Netscape would have loved to just dump all its tests 
> into someone else's hands and not worry  so much about format or 
> quality.
> Ray Whitmer
> Dimitris Dimitriadis wrote:
>> I brought up the issue, but I still think we should anticipate that 
>> submitted tests are in the XML DOMTS format in order to allow for 
>> generating both bindings. Do you think the advantage of having tests 
>> submitted in a particular language outweighs the design we currently 
>> have?
>>>> DOM WG: I (again) raised the issue of having to get more tests 
>>>> submitted
>>>> from member companies, especially as we want to move along as a WG to
>>>> reach Recommendation of DOM level 3. The DOM WG members promised to 
>>>> look
>>>> into this and try to allocate resources. I also brought the issue 
>>>> that
>>>> there have been very limited resources working on the DOM TS to the 
>>>> DOM
>>>> WG's attention, indicating that this cannot continue indefinitely if 
>>>> we
>>>> want to ensure some sound quality requirements for the DOM TS.
>>> Making any existing tests (in whatever language) available would be a 
>>> great
>>> help.

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 10:50:03 UTC