Re: Release preparations (was Re: createEntityReference issues)

A reply to an email Curt happened to send off-list.


Yes, I know, I just wanted to notify the DOM Group. I'll remove the 
files this evening.


On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, at 05:08 , Curt Arnold wrote:

>> [dd] OK, another issue with this is that we should post the two schema
>> files in the CVS repository to avoid confusion (people have tried to
>> validate the tests against the existing dom1.dtd) after build and
>> release.
> The schema and dtd files are generated and should not be in the CVS.  
> The
> better way to avoid confusion would be to remove (or at least annotate) 
> the
> source of the out-of-date dom1.dtd and have the schemas and DTDs for the
> various levels available for download.  The level 1's could be included 
> in
> the level 1 distribution, but the level 2 and 3 DTD's and schemas 
> should be
> available for download before the test suites are released.

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2002 16:03:42 UTC