Release preparations (was Re: createEntityReference issues)

I'm not going to be much help since my cable modem is down till Wednesday
plus I'm prepping for a trip this week and will be on the road next week.

I don't have any objections to relocated the patch files, however their
location wouldn't have any impact on the distributables for a release.  If
someone is going to move them, they should update build.xml to point to the
latest DOM 3 WD's at the same time.

Some questions on the distributables for the release:

1. Do we provide separate distributables for Java and ECMAScript bindings?

2. Do we include:

A) DOMTSML test source
B) Doxygen generated documentation for Java tests
C) Test matrix.  If so, would somebody like to pretty up the test matrix

3. How do we handle the dependency of the JSUnit tests on the relative
location of JSUnit?  I've thought it might be technically possible to
eliminate that dependency, but I haven't spent serious time on it.

Received on Monday, 28 January 2002 14:14:10 UTC