test-to-html.xsl, minor fix to dom-to-dtd.xsl (was Re: Help wanted: A xslt transform for tests to HTML)

Thanks for giving it a shot, however they were quite what I wanted.  I committed test-to-html.xsl which does about what I wanted.  I tested it with Mozilla by adding an <?xml-stylesheet href="test-to-html.xsl" type="text/xml"?> to the top of a few tests.  My problem this morning that that I had the wrong extension on tests.xslt.

Unfortunately, I've dorked my associations and if I load xml docs from IE, it starts Mozilla, so I'm not able test IE's display of the style'd tests.  I switched machines and did uncover a bug in dom-to-dtd (ATTLIST equals appeared a second time where ATTLIST notEquals was intended) since IE complained the ID attribute being defined twice.

build.xml was updated to copy test-to-html.xsl to the tests directory.

For the upcoming NIST commits, if it is not too difficult, please added stylesheet PI.  If not, we can add it after the tests are initially committed very easily.

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 02:17:50 UTC