Agenda for telephone conference and action item list

The agenda for the telephone conference hosted by NIST, tomorrow  29/5/2001,
13.00 US east coast time, toll-free number +1 888-323-5255, toll number +1
712-257-0410, passcode 19086.

Also inluded are pending action items and discussion topics (in the latter
part of this mail).

Participants (so far), limited to 10, 2 from outside US:
Curt Arnold
Mary Brady
Dimitris Dimitriadis
Vincent Hardy
Philippe Le Hegaret
Markus Mielke
Jeroen van Rotterdam

Agenda (continuing 
1. Decision to be taken on whether we move toward one schema or keep two
2. Schema design: IDL interfaces instead of entities. DONE, both in Curt's
schema proposal and the DOM TS ML originating in the NIST DTD, Inheritance
(, Removal
of non-ambigous interface names
3. Finalize the construct part of the schema
4. Finalize the schema(s)
5. Start working on architecture for submitting (CVS? What kind of issue
tracking system? Bugzilla? Feedback from W3C needed)
6. (Re)write stylesheets for the two default bindings: ECMA and JAVA, others
are welcome (Pending on final version of DOM TSML)
7. Produce reference documents to simplify test authoring. (see action on DD
8. Motivation and Visibility
( Have we
improved this?

Other issues that have been raised and need to be discussed:
9. Metadata (feedback from RDF/EARL)
10. Suite design (should it include the XML test description? Point to
11. Test dependencies
12. Compatibility with the various XUnit frameworks, including roundtripping
13. Coordination with XML Schema test development. I've mailed Henry
Thompson and have gotten no reply. 

Pending action items: 
Test Matrix [dd]
Documentation [dd]
List of Semantic requirements (and information to interested submitters on
what tests we need) [mb]

I would propose that the person who has initiated the above threads be
prepared to briefly explain to the rest of the group the position expressed
and proposed action. 

Does anyone have anything else? Have I forgotten something?


Received on Monday, 28 May 2001 14:25:02 UTC