My iteration

I've updated, this file 
contains a schema, DTD and documentation.  I haven't had a chance to double 
check it against the DOM specs, so if I got a return type wrong or something,
please forgive me.

Here is a summary of differences between my previous schema.

1. IDL property names instead of Java accessor/mutator names

Read-only properties are pretty simple, both var (the variable assigned the returned value) 
and obj (the invocation target) are required.

<nodeType var="nodeType" obj="node"/>

Read-write is more complicated.  obj is still required, var and value are optional.
The question then is how do you interpret the element if both are supplied
or neither is supplied.  When neither is supplied, I'd interpret it as a 
a property access and discarding the value.  If both are supplied, for instance:

<Attr.value var="oldValue" obj="attr" value='"New Value"'/>

I'd interpret it as a access followed by a mutation, that is:

oldValue = attr.getValue();
attr.setValue("New Value");

2. Removed interface prefix before non-ambiguous method or property names

There were more ambiguous names that I had previously mentioned, but not
too many.  Here is the list of names used introduced in multiple interfaces that
I came up with:

Document.getElementByTagName and Element.getElementByTagName
Document.getElementByTagNameNS and Element.getElementByTagNameNS
NodeList.item, NamedNodeMap.item
NodeList.length, NamedNodeMap.length, CharacterData.length,, and
DocumentType.publicId, Notation.publicId, Entity.publicId
DocumentType.systemId, Notation.systemId, Notation.systemId,
DOMException.code, EventException.code, RangeException.code

Distinct elements are introduced for each method.  It might be possible
to imply the intended variant from context, but I'd much prefer having
that explicit.

All other DOM properties and methods have had the interface name
removed from their tag name.  

I had anticipated using the interface name part of the tag name
in the code generation.  To provide the information lost, 
I've added annotation elements into the schema that will provide the
introducing interface and expected type for use by the code generators.

implementation and hasFeature act both as static methods and
instance methods.  

<implemenation var="impl"/>

Will give you an DOMImplementation from the implementation under test
to use in tests that build documents from scratch.  While:

<implementation var="impl" obj="doc"/>

will give you the implementation from the specified document.

hasFeature is a little more complicated.

<hasFeature feature="XML" version="1.0"/>

is an implementation conditional that can be used to determine
if a test is appropriate for the processor under test and can
be used in <if> statements.

<hasFeature var="hasEvents" feature="Events" version="2.0" obj="impl"/>

Would be a "traditional" method invocation.

3. Added <metadata> element to tests and asserts

Expected to contain one rdf:RDF element.  Will continue to refine and possibly assert a
required set of EARL or DC properties.

4. Fixed a lot of instances where I had used the DOMFunction complex type instead 
of the DOMSubroutine complex type

There were a substantial number of methods that had no return value that I had
inadvertantly used the wrong complex type resulting in unintentional "var" attributes on
void methods.  This may have been the cause of some of the earlier 
confusion, I was not aware of it until I started adding return types into
the <appinfo>

5. Changed <assert> to <assertTrue> and synchronized <assertFalse>

JUnit 3.7 deprecated the assert method in favor of assertTrue.  Also
allowed you to assign a conditional expression to a variable with
the <assign/> element and introduced <isTrue> and <isFalse>
so that variable can participate in more complicated logical

6. Removed garbageCollect

Confusing and probably unnecessary.  Was intended to be used in 
tests that might succeed if some unreachable object had not been
finalized, but would fail if it had.

Additional comments regarding schema and DTD convergence:

In an earlier comment, I had thought that the character content of method and property 
elements might be used to identify the invocation target since there was no
obvious provision for it.  Not providing an obvious provision was acknowledged an oversight, but
I forgot to follow up on the intention of the character content.

If an invocation target attribute ("obj") was added, you could do something like:

<Node><nodeValue obj="someNode" var="someVar">Some text goes here</nodeValue></Node>

The obvious potential use for the character content is some type of comment
which I had used in my earliest iterations of the schema before I made it public.
However I think it is preferable for the content model to be empty for a couple of reasons:

1. Leaving the content model empty allows for future enhancement.  I've already
encountered a few instances where I needed to add element content to an element
that originally was empty.

2. It provides a tempting place to put information that should be specified in either
the test or assertion metadata.

3. Can complicate schema when you are trying to combine element containing and 
character data containing elements into one substitution group.

Without using character content of property and method elements, there are still
three places to put descriptive text:

a) In the metadata for an test or assert

This is the appropriate place for any descriptive text that would be beneficial for a
person running the tests.

b) In [XML] comments in the test definition

This is appropriate for any descriptive text that would help someone examining the
test definition (for example, complaints about the test definition language), but
would not add any value to someone running the tests.

c) In a <comment> element

This is appropriate for any descriptive text that would help someone examining the
generated source code.

Typo alert:  Multiple <!ATTLIST attributes...> where I think you intend to defined the
attributes for a different tag name.

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2001 03:14:37 UTC