RE: [General] domconftest now a project at SourceForge

I guess we should spend some time on what the CVS should look like since
it is impossible to undo changes without leaving a trace.

We could put all submissions into a submissions module with subprojects
for the contributors


The files in this module would be a verbatim copy of what was submitted
and would not be modified.

For the active project:


The structure below tests would mimic the organization used by NIST in
their submission below the tests project.  For example,
domconftest/test/dom1/fundamental/attribute/attributeName.xml, etc.

domconftest/java/org/w3c/dom/testing would only contain the interface
and abstract class definitions.  Actual tests would be in the same
namespace but generated in the build/java/org/w3c/dom/testing.

domconftest would contain an ANT build file and the transforms.

domconftest/adapters could contain source for adapters, code that allows
domconftest.jar to run in a specific test harness like JUnit.

Probably need to get an official decision about w3c package names we can
use.  I've been temporarily using org.w3c.dom.testing.

Mary Brady wrote:
>Sure, I'll help -- I should have the rest of 
>the fundamental and extended tests ready 
>by tomorrow.  

If the described structure seems appropriate, then
it would be beneficial if you could import your tests
into the submissions/nist and domconftest/tests directories.

>After the core tests work, 
>we'll have to add metadata info -- but I 
>think I can write a transform to put our 
>original work into the rdf framework -- 
>is this what we want to do?  

Not quite sure what you are starting from.  I thought
the test matrix was almost a manual affair.

>How do we  envision the metadata info being used?  Can 
>we write a transform that will allow it to 
>be displayed in a web browser, or will we 
>have to transform off-line and make a html 
>version available? 

Since building a test matrix would require crawling all the
available tests, I think generating it is part of the build
process.  You could capture the entire matrix in RDF by
appending descriptions of the tests to the subjects.rdf file
and using a browser side transform.   However that seems
overkill at this time and generating an HTML test matrix
as part of the build seems reasonable.

I did spend some time writing an Ant build file, but was running
into a problem with either Ant or Xalan using the wrong base for
resolving external entity references causing schema generation to fail.

Received on Thursday, 28 June 2001 12:08:31 UTC